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Showcasing Excellence in IT Management

Embarking on a new journey with a new support company in charge of your IT management can be both exciting and challenging, especially when you don’t know what to expect. What’s going to happen? How much will I need to be involved? How long will it take? We take the guesswork out of going “out with the old” so you can feel confident going “in with the new.” 

We work in designated phases based on a timeline that works best for you. Too fast and critical tasks can get lost the shuffle; too slow and well, you might wonder why you switched in the first place! We define our process for you here. Our goal is to set expectations and build a team that will take you and Solve IT through onboarding and beyond. 

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Welcome to Solve iT!

IT Management Onboarding
Phase 1

Creating a Robust Foundation

Setting our clients up for success starts with understanding where you are today with your old provider and where you want to be tomorrow with us. We will work with your previous IT and gather essential documentation on your current infrastructure. We also collaborate with them on removing their tools and implementing ours to ensure that you do not experience any gaps in services or security. Your team will continue to operate without interruptions. Our team will work hard in the background to install our industry leading tools and support. 

While Solve iT does the heavy lifting behind the scenes, you will receive a welcome email introducing our crew; explaining our support process and how to best engage. We have a variety of methods of contacting Solve iT based on your needs: a support email for how-to inquiries. A help button that collects system data while it walks you through basic troubleshooting, saving you the hassle of explaining the issue over and over. We also have a phone number for critical outages providing you with a fast lane to a swift resolution. 

Phase 2

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Getting to know you is the pinnacle of our process. Your company may have unique needs that need a unique approach. Switching IT companies is typically a decision that is not made lightly; there is a reason you are looking for a change and we want to understand that reason. Our discovery process includes speaking with you about existing pain points and introducing the importance of our Cyber Security Managed Services. As your IT management team, we collaborate with you to understand any time-sensitive issues that we can begin to address as soon as possible. We also begin implementing email filtering and encryption as a first layer of defense against malicious cyber-attacks. 

Solve iT is committed not only to ensuring that our tools protect your company data, but that your staff is educated on how to spot nefarious emails and links. The most critical defense against hacking is the human sitting behind the keyboard. That is why we offer cyber security training and self-service portals to every employee that accesses company information. Your staff will quickly become well versed in how to find threats and avoid accidental data breaches that can cost your business money, time, and trust. 

Phase 3

Hit the Ground Running 

It’s game time! Phase 3 is all about action and implementation. Everything we’ve learned about you and your business will be put to work as we introduce solutions and upgrades for your hardware, software, network, security, and everything in between. We keep you engaged and informed as we check boxes and develop working relationships with your staff; putting voices and faces to names and becoming part of the team. Working closely together ensures a constant line of communication and confidence that will make your business and Solve iT the perfect team. 

Testing and quality assurance is conducted to ensure all systems and processes are working to your liking. Any questions or concerns are addressed, and audits are performed regularly to maintain a high standard of operation. 

And just like that, Onboarding is Complete!

Teaming Up

After the dust has settled, we work with you to create a schedule to keep an ongoing open dialog. This will enable us to stay informed for where we could possibly make improvements to work with your team in the best way possible as well as to discuss any findings we uncover along the way. Helping you plan, budget and document will help us as your IT support company set expectations, and achieve (and exceed!) your objectives.  

Having a plan helps reduce uncertainty - and having the right provider with a plan can help you meet and exceed your goals. Our onboarding process has been developed, evaluated, and refined over the years to meet the needs of our clients. And we’re not done! Today’s technology landscape is constantly changing. What worked even a year ago may be obsolete today.  Solve IT is always looking for ways to stay a step ahead of the curve; constantly testing new tools and processes to help serve you better. We can’t help ourselves, we’re geeks! We love technology and love it even more when it makes our lives and the lives of our clients better. 

The hope is that illustrating our IT management process, as it lives and breathes today, will help you understand the Solve IT method better and consider our team to be part of yours. 

IT Management Onboarding Should Always Be This Simple

Divided into three simple phases, we offer the easiest, least painful transition of it management onboarding services in the local area. It works so well that other MSPs copy our approach.

Look at how Simple IT Management Onboarding Can Be