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What comes to mind when you think of Cyber Security? 

We at Solve iT have heard so many times "Oh, we are too small to think about Cyber Security Managed Services." or "Hackers are not interested in small businesses like us". In reality every company needs to be thinking about their security posture.


Hackers are only targeting large businesses. Right??? Wrong.


Cyber Attacks Ahead

Hackers are DEFINITELY interested in businesses (like yours) regardless of size.

Small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly becoming prime targets for cybercriminals. Due to often limited resources and less robust security measures, these businesses present an attractive opportunity for hackers. Many SMBs mistakenly believe they are not lucrative targets; however, cybercriminals are well aware that these organizations frequently store valuable data, including customer information, financial records, and intellectual property. The interconnected nature of today’s business landscape means breaching a smaller company can often serve as a gateway to larger partners and clients. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses of all sizes to invest in comprehensive cybersecurity strategies to protect their assets and ensure long-term resilience against cyber threats.

Have you been keeping up with regulations? If you haven't, you might not know that both the DHS (U.S. Department of Homeland Security) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) instated regulations that impact how we handle data and cybersecurity.

Under DHS's new rules, you are required to report an incident within 72 hours, and only 24 hours to report if you paid a ransom. Failure to adhere to these rules could result in large fines. The FTC amended its Safeguards Rule 4Q 2023, requiring non-financial companies to report security events and data breaches that affect 500+ consumers within 30 days of discovery.

Solve iT provides both administrative and technical safeguards to help companies maintain compliance with data security standards such as GDPRSOXPCI DSS and HIPAA.

Can Your Business Survive?

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A Cyber incident could mean HIPAA violations and fines. Can your business survive a $1 million fine, confiscation of equipment and possible jail time? 

Our team takes immediate action; as a business you no longer need to worry about figuring out your security posture or how to get it in order. With Solve iT's Cyber Security Managed Services, we get your security posture in order for you. Solve iT's monitoring systems will always be watching for cyber events. These systems will track and alert us to any unusual activity. When an alert is generated, our team takes immediate action. 

We can perform the following on your behalf, but not limited to: 

  • Reset user passwords 
  • Force sign-out all user login sessions 
  • Check for hidden rules in your email 

Solve iT can also setup policies to enforce user multi-factor authentication. Block outside countries from logging, etc.

Five Critical Cyber Hygiene Practices

With the ever-evolving cyber landscape, every company needs to think about security. There are five critical cyber hygiene practices that every company should implement.

First, regular data backups. This also means keeping the backups in a secure location (not your house or left onsite), periodically testing data restores are a compliance requirement.

Second and third, patching applications and operating systems. When you don't patch, it's like leaving your front door wide open for someone to walk in and take your stuff.

Fourth, restrict administrative privileges. This means don't give Joe Shmo admin privileges because he said he needs them. Reserving administrative privileges for those things that absolutely need them.

Fifth, setup and require multi-factor authentication. This helps thwart the bad guys from getting into your stuff. 

The list goes on, for what Solve iT can do on your behalf. If you don't have Managed Services, these are items you would have to do yourself. If you’re not technical, or already know how, that means research. Your time is precious, let us take that load off your shoulders. Solve iT's ever evolving procedures stay up to date with the ever-evolving threat landscape. Our services also evolve as new threats emerge to ensure your safety. Solve iT also goes through continuous training to stay up to date with industry standards. 

Cyber Security Managed Services CHECK

What to look for in a Cyber Security Managed Services Firm 

Any IT Security Company you look for to assist you in cyber security should be able to provide three things:  

  1. Training
  2. Technical Support
  3. Tell you what tools they are using 

Solve iT can provide a training platform that helps empower your end users. The training platform has micro training courses which only take a few minutes but provide useful information. The training goes over different items like "How to avoid holiday scams" or "How to avoid email scams". These types of things are becoming very widespread. The platform also has HIPAA training available every year, if applicable. The platform can assist you with policy creation, if needed. 

Cyber Security Management Advanced Tools 

Solve iT uses a variety of advanced tools to keep your cyber security posture in check. We stay abreast of the best toolsets and provide the very best to our client base. One such tool we use to proactively check your network infrastructure,  including,  but not limited to Computers, Switches, Printers, and anything connected to your network, including mobile devices.

Using CISA (Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security agency) as a guide, we make data backed modifications when necessary for added protections. With our high performance and consolidated security toolsets, we work to keep systems safe through software and hardware patch implementation schedules. It is important to note that all patches and suggestions are not in the best interest of all systems at the time of roll-out.

Due to our deep level of understanding and familiarity with your network and associated devices, we plan accordingly to rollout security patches on a thoughtful schedule. Your systems are consistently audited utilizing best practices methodology.

After consultation with the stakeholders, we schedule our activities to keep impact to the business as low as prudently possible, keeping your systems up and available for staff productivity. We ensure your business runs smoothly or with as little interruption as possible. 

Solve iT uses a suite of tools to crosscheck and verify, to ensure the data we are analyzing is accurate. In today's world of technology, a business should not rely on one singular toolset to get the most accurate information from which to make critical decisions. 

When looking for an IT Security Company or Cyber Security Managed Services, you have to ensure you understand what you're going to be getting. Ask lots of questions. Do not hesitate to press for more information if you don't understand. Understanding is just the beginning. Make sure you get what is being promised to you. Cyber Security is not something to take lightly. Small companies are being targeted more now than ever. Now is the time to get your cyber posture in order. 

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